Boosters of Moderna, J&J Covid vaccines available

Covid-19 death toll in county now at 15

Persons who received either the Pfizer or Moderna Covid-19 vaccines should receive a booster shot six months or later after their initial two-dose series, according to recommendations the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued Oct. 21.

The following groups are eligible now for a booster: 

  • People 65 years and older
  • People 18 years and older who reside in long-term care settings
  • People aged 18 years and older with underlying medical conditions
  • People aged 18 years and older who work or live in high-risk settings (includes healthcare employees)

The same product used for the initial series should be used for the booster. If a Moderna vaccine booster is administered, a half-dose will be given.

In addition, the CDC recommends a booster dose of Johnson & Johnson (J & J) Covid-19 vaccine for all those age 18 years or older who received that vaccine at least two months ago.

“Mix & Match” booster doses are now allowed for eligible individuals following completion of primary vaccination with a different available COVID-19 vaccine:

  • People who received a single dose of J & J can receive a mRNA Covid-19 booster dose at least two months after that first primary dose
  • Moderna vaccine booster will be given as a half-dose
  • Pfizer and J & J boosters will be given as full doses

There are still opportunities to get influenza and/or Covid-19 vaccines at Greene County public health clinics through early November. All three brands of Covid-19 vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson) are available for anyone who is not vaccinated, partially vaccinated, or in need of a booster dose.

       Clinics will held at the public health office at Greene County Medical Center, Level B, on the following dates:

  • Tuesdays (9AM-Noon): Oct 26, Nov 2
  • Thursdays (1-4PM): Oct 28, Nov 4

Appointments are appreciated, but walk-ins (drive-ins) are accepted. Call 515-386-3228 or register online at

Greene County public health director Becky Wolf reported the following as of Oct. 25, 2021:

  • Total Covid-19 cases: 1348  (1,319 on Oct 18)
  • 32 cases in past seven days
  • 7-day positivity rate: 7.7 percent; 14-day positivity rate: 7.1 percent
  • 3 new deaths reported (15 total)
  • Level of community transmission: HIGH

Free Test Iowa home kits are available at Greene County Public Health. Call 515-386-3228 to arrange for outdoor pick-up only.

Persons who want more information can visit and

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